Ph.D., Seoul National Univ., Public Health, Epidemiology
M.S. Seoul National Univ., Public Health, Epidemiology
B.S. Sung Kyun Kwan Univ., Pharmacy
(現) 차의과학대학교 미래융합대학 헬스케어융합학부 AI의료데이터학 전공 교수
[Research & Industrial Career]
서울대학교 보건환경연구소 연구조교수
서울대학교 보건환경연구소 책임연구원
성균관대학교 약학연구원(글로벌신약연구소) 박사후연구원
중앙대학교 의약업경제정책연구소 박사후연구원
차의과학대학교 임상약학대학원 강사
약학정보원 상무, 학술정보센터 센터장
킴스(UBM Medica Korea) 학술팀 팀장
[Professional Affiliations]
Frontiers in Pharmacology Review editor
Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety Reviewer
ISPOR(The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Our Society) membership
대한약사회 상임이사, 학술위원장
대검찰청 검찰수사심의위원회 위원
대한약물역학위해관리학회 교육위원회 부위원장
대한약국학회 학술부위원장
한국약사교육연구회 부회장
한국메디컬라이터협회 학술이사
보건사회약료경영학회 회원
약사저자협회 회원
보건복지부장관 표창장 제163204호 (2023)
[SCIE/SSCI Journals]
Kyung-In Joung, Sook Hee An, Joon Seok Bang, Kwang Joon Kim. (2025) Comparative Effectiveness of Wearable Devices and Built In Step Counters in Reducing Metabolic Syndrome Risk in South Korea: Population-Based Cohort Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 12. e64527. (first author, JCR 6%, IF 5.6)
Kyung-In J. (2023) Gender Differences in Spontaneous Adverse Event Reports Associated with Zolpidem in South Korea, 2015-2019. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, 1256245. (first author, IF 5.998)
Joung, K. I., Park, H., Park, S., Shin, J. Y., & Kim, Y. H. (2023). Nationwide epidemiologic study for fibrosing interstitial lung disease (F-ILD) in South Korea: a population-based study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 23(1), 1-11. (first author, IF 3.320)
Joung, K. I., Hwang, J. E., Oh, I. S., Cho, S. I., & Shin, J. Y. (2022). Association between ranitidine use with potential NDMA impurities and risk of cancer in Korea. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 22396. (first author, IF 4.996)
Joung, K. I., Song, J. H., Suh, K., Lee, S. M., Jun, J. H., Park, T., & Suh, D. C. (2020). Effect of Treatment with the PD-1/PD-L1 Inhibitors on Key Health Outcomes of Cancer Patients. BioDrugs, 1-13. (first author, JCR 8.8%, IF 7.744)
Jung, J. H., Kim, D. J., Suh, K., You, J., Lee, J. H., Joung, K. I., & Suh, D. C. (2021). International Price Comparisons of Anticancer Drugs: A Scheme for Improving Patient Accessibility. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 670. (co-correspondance, SSCI, IF 4.614)
Kyung-In Joung, Kwang Hyun Kim, Cheng-Yang Hsieh, & Ju-Young Shin. (2020) Exploring Pharmacogenetic difference using adverse event database: an example of clopidogrel and cardiovascular events. Pharmacogenomics. 21(16):1157-1168 (first author, IF 3.550)
Joung K.I, G. W., Park, H. H., Lee, H., Park, S. H., & Shin, J. Y. Gender Differences in Adverse Event Reports Associated with Antidiabetic drugs. Scientific Reports 10.1(2020): 1-10 (first author, IF 4.996)
Joung, K. I., Shin, J. Y., Kim, S., & Cho, S. I. (2020). Anticholinergic Use among the Elderly with Alzheimer Disease in South Korea: A Population-based Study. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. (first author, IF 2.357)
Joung, K. I., Shin, J. Y., & Cho, S. I. (2019). Features of anticholinergic prescriptions and predictors of high use in the elderly: Population‐based study. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 28(12), 1591-1600. (first author, IF 2.732)
Joung, K. I., Kim, S., Cho, Y. H., & Cho, S. I. (2019). Association of Anticholinergic Use with Incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease: population-based Cohort study. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-10. (first author, IF 4.996)
Joung, Kyung-in, and Sung-il Cho. (2018) “Association of low blood pressure with suicidal ideation: a cross-sectional study of 10,708 adults with normal or low blood pressure in Korea.” BMC public health, 18.1: 200. (first author, IF 3.980)
Lee, S. M., Kim, H. J., Suh, D., Joung, K. I., Kim, E. S., Back, H. J., & Suh, D. C. (2021). Use of budget savings from patent expiration of cancer drugs to improve affordability and accessibility. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-10.(IF 2.908)
Junyeong Choi, Dongwon Yoon, Minhee Park, Kyung-in Joung, Ju-Young Shin. (2020) Topiramate-related adverse events pattern and signals in the Korea Adverse Event Reporting System. Medicine, 2010-2017. 99(42) (IF 1.889)
Ha jin Thoe, Sohyun Jeong, Dae Yeon Won, Jin Hyun Nam, Kyung-In Joung, Ju-Young Shin (2020). Increased risk of death with codeine use in the elderly over 85 years old and patients with respiratory disease. Medicine. 99.38 (2020): e22155. (IF 1.889)
Cho, Y.H., Kim, Y.J., Lee,S., Joung, K. I., Chung, H.W., Kim, S., Kim, S.Y. (2020). Effects of the DNA repair inhibitors, cytosine arabinoside and 3-aminobenzamide, on the frequency of radi ation-induced micronuclei, nuclear buds, and nucleoplasmic bridges. Genes & Genomics, 1-8.(IF 2.164)
Y.Choi, C.Jung, Y.Chae, M.Kang, J.Kim, K. Joung, J.Lim, S.Cho,S.Sung, E.Lee, S.Kim (2014). Comparison of validity of mapping between drug indicatins and ICD-10.” Methods of Information in Medicine, 53(03):195-201 (IF 2.176)
[Domestic journals] (KCI)
김성연, 한혜성, 정경인, 손현순 해외여행자들의 여행상비약 구비 경험 및 약국서비스 이용 의향 Overseas Traveler’s experiences in preparing travel medications and willingness to use pharmacy services. 약학회지 Yakhak Hoeji 64(6) 496-504
Kyung-In Joung, Jung Eun Hwang, In-Sun Oh, Ju-Young Shin. (2021) Use of ranitidine with potential NDMA impurities and risk of cancer: A nationwide propensity score-matched cohort study. International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ICPE)
Lee, S. M., Suh, D., Spiteri, C., Joung, K. I., & KIM, E. (2020). PCN70 Budget Savings from Patent Expir Expiration of Cancer Drugs in South Korea. Value in Health Regional Issues, 22, S18.
Song, J. H., Jung, J. H., Lee, J. H., You, J. E., Hwang, E. B., Joung, K. I., & Suh, D. C. (2020). PCN71 Comparing the International Price of Anticancer Drugs and Improving Their Accessibility in South Korea. Value in Health Regional Issues, 22, S18-S19.
ISPOR Asia Pacific 2020 Poster Presentation Joung KI, Park T, Kim ES, Song JH, Lee EH, Suh D, Spiteri C, Suh DC Impact of PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors on health outcomes for patients with cancer in South Korea
Academy of Social Managed Care Pharmacy Presentation Kyung-In Joung (2019) The association of anticholinergic use with incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. Korean
The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea. Kyung-In Joung (2016) Drug informatics for patient-centered pharmacy practice: Example of Korea Pharmaceutical Information Center
Korean Society for Pharmacoepidemiology and Risk Management Presentation. Kyung-In Joung (2019)
Different signal for major adverse cardiovascular events associated with clopidogrel: a Case/Non-case study using Korea and the US FDA adverse reporting system
[Other Research Projects]
통합약물관리 전문약사 수련 교육기관 양성 방안 연구(대한약사회 과제) (~2024. 11)
웨어러블 디바이스의 적용이 건강위험군 대상자의 대사증후군 변인에 미치는 영향(한국건강증진개발원 과제, Principal investigator) (~2023.12)
Gender difference in the antidepressants use and the associated suicidal behaviors (한국연구재단과제, Funded, Principal investigator) (~2022.5)
의약품 안전 사용을 위한 전자적 정보제공 체계 구축 연구(식품의약품안전처과제, Principal investigator) (~2019.6)