
정경인 교수

전공보건학, 약학
연락처 031-850-9087 jki0515@cha.ac.kr


  • Ph.D., Seoul National Univ., Public Health, Epidemiology
  • M.S. Seoul National Univ., Public Health, Epidemiology
  • B.S. Sung Kyun Kwan Univ., Pharmacy


  • (現) 차의과학대학교 미래융합대학 헬스케어융합학부 AI의료데이터학 전공 교수

  • [Research & Industrial Career]
  • 서울대학교 보건환경연구소 연구조교수
  • 서울대학교 보건환경연구소 책임연구원
  • 성균관대학교 약학연구원(글로벌신약연구소) 박사후연구원
  • 중앙대학교 의약업경제정책연구소 박사후연구원
  • 차의과학대학교 임상약학대학원 강사
  • 약학정보원 상무, 학술정보센터 센터장
  • 킴스(UBM Medica Korea) 학술팀 팀장

  • [Professional Affiliations]
  • Frontiers in Pharmacology Review editor
  • Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety Reviewer
  • ISPOR(The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Our Society) membership
  • 대한약사회 상임이사, 학술위원장
  • 대검찰청 검찰수사심의위원회 위원
  • 대한약물역학위해관리학회 교육위원회 부위원장
  • 대한약국학회 학술부위원장
  • 한국약사교육연구회 부회장
  • 한국메디컬라이터협회 학술이사
  • 보건사회약료경영학회 회원
  • 약사저자협회 회원

  • [수상]
  • 보건복지부장관 표창장 제163204호 (2023)


    [SCIE/SSCI Journals]
  • Kyung-In Joung, Sook Hee An, Joon Seok Bang, Kwang Joon Kim. (2025) Comparative Effectiveness of Wearable Devices and Built In Step Counters in Reducing Metabolic Syndrome Risk in South Korea: Population-Based Cohort Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 12. e64527. (first author, JCR 6%, IF 5.6)
  • Kyung-In J. (2023) Gender Differences in Spontaneous Adverse Event Reports Associated with Zolpidem in South Korea, 2015-2019. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, 1256245. (first author, IF 5.998)
  • Joung, K. I., Park, H., Park, S., Shin, J. Y., & Kim, Y. H. (2023). Nationwide epidemiologic study for fibrosing interstitial lung disease (F-ILD) in South Korea: a population-based study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 23(1), 1-11. (first author, IF 3.320)
  • Joung, K. I., Hwang, J. E., Oh, I. S., Cho, S. I., & Shin, J. Y. (2022). Association between ranitidine use with potential NDMA impurities and risk of cancer in Korea. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 22396. (first author, IF 4.996)
  • Joung, K. I., Song, J. H., Suh, K., Lee, S. M., Jun, J. H., Park, T., & Suh, D. C. (2020). Effect of Treatment with the PD-1/PD-L1 Inhibitors on Key Health Outcomes of Cancer Patients. BioDrugs, 1-13. (first author, JCR 8.8%, IF 7.744)
  • Jung, J. H., Kim, D. J., Suh, K., You, J., Lee, J. H., Joung, K. I., & Suh, D. C. (2021). International Price Comparisons of Anticancer Drugs: A Scheme for Improving Patient Accessibility. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 670. (co-correspondance, SSCI, IF 4.614)
  • Kyung-In Joung, Kwang Hyun Kim, Cheng-Yang Hsieh, & Ju-Young Shin. (2020) Exploring Pharmacogenetic difference using adverse event database: an example of clopidogrel and cardiovascular events. Pharmacogenomics. 21(16):1157-1168 (first author, IF 3.550)
  • Joung K.I, G. W., Park, H. H., Lee, H., Park, S. H., & Shin, J. Y. Gender Differences in Adverse Event Reports Associated with Antidiabetic drugs. Scientific Reports 10.1(2020): 1-10 (first author, IF 4.996)
  • Joung, K. I., Shin, J. Y., Kim, S., & Cho, S. I. (2020). Anticholinergic Use among the Elderly with Alzheimer Disease in South Korea: A Population-based Study. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders. (first author, IF 2.357)
  • Joung, K. I., Shin, J. Y., & Cho, S. I. (2019). Features of anticholinergic prescriptions and predictors of high use in the elderly: Population‐based study. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 28(12), 1591-1600. (first author, IF 2.732)
  • Joung, K. I., Kim, S., Cho, Y. H., & Cho, S. I. (2019). Association of Anticholinergic Use with Incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease: population-based Cohort study. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-10. (first author, IF 4.996)
  • Joung, Kyung-in, and Sung-il Cho. (2018) “Association of low blood pressure with suicidal ideation: a cross-sectional study of 10,708 adults with normal or low blood pressure in Korea.” BMC public health, 18.1: 200. (first author, IF 3.980)
  • Lee, S. M., Kim, H. J., Suh, D., Joung, K. I., Kim, E. S., Back, H. J., & Suh, D. C. (2021). Use of budget savings from patent expiration of cancer drugs to improve affordability and accessibility. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-10.(IF 2.908)
  • Junyeong Choi, Dongwon Yoon, Minhee Park, Kyung-in Joung, Ju-Young Shin. (2020) Topiramate-related adverse events pattern and signals in the Korea Adverse Event Reporting System. Medicine, 2010-2017. 99(42) (IF 1.889)
  • Ha jin Thoe, Sohyun Jeong, Dae Yeon Won, Jin Hyun Nam, Kyung-In Joung, Ju-Young Shin (2020). Increased risk of death with codeine use in the elderly over 85 years old and patients with respiratory disease. Medicine. 99.38 (2020): e22155. (IF 1.889)
  • Cho, Y.H., Kim, Y.J., Lee,S., Joung, K. I., Chung, H.W., Kim, S., Kim, S.Y. (2020). Effects of the DNA repair inhibitors, cytosine arabinoside and 3-aminobenzamide, on the frequency of radi ation-induced micronuclei, nuclear buds, and nucleoplasmic bridges. Genes & Genomics, 1-8.(IF 2.164)
  • Y.Choi, C.Jung, Y.Chae, M.Kang, J.Kim, K. Joung, J.Lim, S.Cho,S.Sung, E.Lee, S.Kim (2014). Comparison of validity of mapping between drug indicatins and ICD-10.” Methods of Information in Medicine, 53(03):195-201 (IF 2.176)

  • [Domestic journals] (KCI)
  • 김성연, 한혜성, 정경인, 손현순 해외여행자들의 여행상비약 구비 경험 및 약국서비스 이용 의향 Overseas Traveler’s experiences in preparing travel medications and willingness to use pharmacy services. 약학회지 Yakhak Hoeji 64(6) 496-504

  • [Presentations]
  • Kyung-In Joung, Jung Eun Hwang, In-Sun Oh, Ju-Young Shin. (2021) Use of ranitidine with potential NDMA impurities and risk of cancer: A nationwide propensity score-matched cohort study. International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ICPE)
  • Lee, S. M., Suh, D., Spiteri, C., Joung, K. I., & KIM, E. (2020). PCN70 Budget Savings from Patent Expir Expiration of Cancer Drugs in South Korea. Value in Health Regional Issues, 22, S18.
  • Song, J. H., Jung, J. H., Lee, J. H., You, J. E., Hwang, E. B., Joung, K. I., & Suh, D. C. (2020). PCN71 Comparing the International Price of Anticancer Drugs and Improving Their Accessibility in South Korea. Value in Health Regional Issues, 22, S18-S19.
  • ISPOR Asia Pacific 2020 Poster Presentation Joung KI, Park T, Kim ES, Song JH, Lee EH, Suh D, Spiteri C, Suh DC Impact of PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors on health outcomes for patients with cancer in South Korea
  • Academy of Social Managed Care Pharmacy Presentation Kyung-In Joung (2019) The association of anticholinergic use with incidence of Alzheimer’s disease. Korean
  • The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea. Kyung-In Joung (2016) Drug informatics for patient-centered pharmacy practice: Example of Korea Pharmaceutical Information Center
  • Korean Society for Pharmacoepidemiology and Risk Management Presentation. Kyung-In Joung (2019) Different signal for major adverse cardiovascular events associated with clopidogrel: a Case/Non-case study using Korea and the US FDA adverse reporting system

  • [Other Research Projects]
  • 통합약물관리 전문약사 수련 교육기관 양성 방안 연구(대한약사회 과제) (~2024. 11)
  • 웨어러블 디바이스의 적용이 건강위험군 대상자의 대사증후군 변인에 미치는 영향(한국건강증진개발원 과제, Principal investigator) (~2023.12)
  • Gender difference in the antidepressants use and the associated suicidal behaviors (한국연구재단과제, Funded, Principal investigator) (~2022.5)
  • 의약품 안전 사용을 위한 전자적 정보제공 체계 구축 연구(식품의약품안전처과제, Principal investigator) (~2019.6)
  • 식약처 의약품 복약정보에 관한 표준모델 개발 제 3세부과제
  • 한국식품의약품안전평가원(NIFDA) Tox-info Chemical 독성정보 구축 과제
  • 서울시 공공야간약국 비용편익 학술연구용역 연구원
  • 약사 서비스 제고를 위한 지불보상제도 개선 방안에 관한 연구


  • 정경혜, 정경인, 구현지, 이윤정, 김형지, 백영숙, 임진형, 한혜성 (2024) 약국실습가이드. 북크리
  • 정경혜, 한혜성, 김예지, 제남경, 정경인, 구현지, 김형은, 나영은, 박재경, 성새암, 전보명, 정연주 (2022) 비교하면 보이는 약 vs. 약, 도서출판 약사공론
  • 양덕숙, 김명철, 김성철, 이준, 김은주, 이영숙, 김진, 황은경, 정경인, 엄준철, 최해륭, 김성건. (2021) ‘KPAI 톡톡 일반약 실전 노하우(일반약, 한약제제 중심)’ 도서출판 정다와
  • 최종수, 양덕숙, 정경인, 유경숙, 이미경, 유경숙, 심은주, 맹지혜. (2020) ‘맞춤OTC선택가이드 2판’ 약학정보원, 조윤커뮤니케이션
  • 이모세, 방준석, 박혜경, 강은정, 최진혜, 장보현, 이윤정, 김태희, 정경인, 성희진. (2018) 약국금연상담매뉴얼. ㈜동명북미디어/도서출판 정다와
  • 양덕숙, 정경인, 김태영, 이미경, 한정희, 박수지, 유경희, 이지수. (2018) PharmIT3000 매뉴얼 통합본. ㈜동명북미디어/도서출판 정다와
  • 양덕숙, 정경인(대표저자), 이미경, 유경숙, 심은주. (2016) ‘맞춤OTC선택가이드 1판’ 약학정보원, 조윤커뮤니케이션
  • 정경혜, 전보명, 정경인, 제남경, 김예지, 박재경, 이용욱, 정소현, 한혜성, 황미경. (2014) 일반의약품 복약지도매뉴얼 Ⅲ. 약사공론